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Experimental Tests on Fast Ambibuity Solutions For Airborne Kinematic GPS Positioning. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/6, ISPRS, pp. 1-6.
Ackermann, F. [1996]
Georeferencing Requirements for Airborne Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/6, ISPRS, pp. 7-9.
Ackermann, F. [1996]
Some Considerations about Automatic Digital Aerial Triangulation. In: Proceedings OEEPE Workshop on Application of Digital Photogrammetric Workstations, OEEPE Official Publication No. 33, Lausanne, IfaG, Frankfurt, pp. 157-167.
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Airborne Laser Scanning for Elevation Models. In: GIM International Journal for Geomatics, Vol. 10, pp. 24-25.
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Georeferencing the Italian Cadastre by Photogrammetry. Technical report.
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OEEPE - Quo Vadis?. In: 'OEEPE Newsletter 1996, number 1, pp. 5-7.
Ackermann, F. [1996]
Some Considerations about Feature Matching for the Automatic Generation of Digital Elevation Models. In: Proceedings OEEPE Workshop on Application of Digital Photogrammetric Workstations, OEEPE Official Publication No. 33, Lausanne, IfaG, Frankfurt, pp. 231-240.
Ackermann, F. [1996]
Survey Flight Navigation and Exterior Camera Orientation by GPS and other Sensors. In: Proceedings Carl Zeiss Expert's Seminar Aerial Surveying Today and Tomorrow, Berlin.
Ackermann, F. [1996]
Verfahrenstechnische Grundlagen und Potential des Airborne Laser Scanning. In: Proceedings Hansa Luftbild Symposium Airborne Laser Scanning - Ein neues Verfahren zur berührungslosen Erfassung der Erdoberfläche, Münster.
Anders, K.-H. & Fritsch, D. [1996]
Automatic Interpretation of Digital Maps for Data Revision. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/4, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, pp. 90-94.
Baltsavias, E. & Stallmann, D. [1996]
Geometric Potential of MOMS02/D2 Data for Point Positioning, DTM and Orthoimage Generation. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/4, ISPRS, pp. 110-116.
Brenner, C. & Hahn, M. [1996]
Object Recognition using Multi-Sensor Fusion and Active Exploration. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing', Vol. 31/5, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, pp. 59-64.
Dowman, I.; Fritsch, D.; Boardman, D. [1996]
Image to Image Registration Techniques. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IAPRS), 31.
Fraser, C.; Fritsch, D.; Collier, P.; Shao, J. [1996]
Ground Point Determination using MOMS-02/D2 Earth Observation Imagery. Proceed. 37th Australian Surveyors Congress, Perth. Also in: Geomatica, April 1997.
Fritsch, D. [1996]
Multigitterverfahren - eine hierarchische Vorgehensweise zur indirekten Lössung linearer Gleichungssysteme. Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten (AVN), Heft 2/1996, S. 81-88.
Fritsch, D. [1996]
MOMS02 - Progress in Optical Remote Sensing. Proceed. 1st. German-Turkish Joint Geodetic Days, Eds. O. Altan/L. Gründig, Istanbul, pp. 199-206.
Fritsch, D. [1996]
Experiences with Digital Cameras for Earth Observation. Proceed. Carl Zeiss Experts' Seminar 'Aerial Surveying Today and Tomorrow', Berlin, 14/15. Mai 1996.
Fritsch, D. [1996]
Three-Dimensional Geographic Information SystemsStatus and Prospects. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/4, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, pp. 215-221.
Fritsch, D. [1996]
MOMS, Fortschritt in der optischen Fernerkundung. Geowissenschaften 14 (1996), Heft 10. pp 399-408.
Fritsch, D. [1996]
MOMS - Fortschritt in der optischen Fernerkundung. Geowissenschaften unserer Zeit, pp. 12-22.
Fritsch, D. [1996]
DTM-Integration in GIS, 3D GIS. Lecture Notes Tutorial 'Conceptual Aspects of GIS', ISPRS Congress, Vienna.
Fritsch, D. [1996]
MOMS, progress in optical remote sensing. South African Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 17 Part 2, (Nov. 1996), pp. 35-50.
Fritsch, D. & Anders, K.-H. [1996]
Objektorientierte Konzepte in Geo-Informationssystemen. GIS-Geo-Informations-Systeme 9(2), pp.2-14.
Fritsch, D.; Haala, N.; Hahn, M.& Sester, M. [1996]
Digital Photogrammetry in Small Scales. Lecture Notes Tutorial, ISPRS Congress, Vienna.
Fritsch, D.; Hahn, M.; Schneider, F.; Stallmann, D. & Kiefner, M. [1996]
Experiences in Processing MOMS-02/D2 Stereo Image Data. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/4, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, pp. 267-272.
Glemser, M. [1996]
Integration geometrischer DatenqualitäSt in GIS-Funktionen. Workshop 'Datenqualität und Metainformation in Geo-Informationssystemen, Rostock.
Haala, N. & Anders, K.-H. [1996]
Fusion of 2D-GIS and Image Data for 3D Building Reconstruction. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/3, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, pp. 285-290.
Haala, N.; Cramer, M. & Kilian, J. [1996]
Sensor Fusion for Airborne 3D Data Capture. Second International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Vol. I, San Francisco, Ca, pp. 344-353.
Haala, Norbert [1996]
Gebäuderekonstruktion durch Kombination von Bild- und Höhendaten. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Reihe C, Nr. 460, München 1996. 96 p.
Hahn, M.; Kiefner, M.; Quednau, A. & Hinz, E. [1996]
Semi-Automatic Measurement of Signalized Ground Control Points at Digital Photogrammetric Workstations. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/3, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, pp. 291-296.
Hahn, M.; Stallmann, D.; Stätter, C. & Müller, F. [1996]
The DPA Sensor System for Topographic and Thematic Mapping. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/2, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, pp. 141-146.
Kilian, J.; Haala, N. & Englich, M. [1996]
Capture and Evaluation of Airborne Laser Data. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/3, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, pp. 383-388.
Schmidt, D. & Fritsch, D. [1996]
In Transition from 2.5D-GIS to 3D-GIS. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/3, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria.
Sester, M. [1996]
Acquisition of Rules for the Transition between Multiple Representations in a GIS. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/4, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria.
Sester, M. [1996]
Automatic GIS-Data Capture. Proc. of GIS'96 Symposium on GIS, Istanbul.
Sester, M.; Schneider, W. & Fritsch, D. [1996]
Results of the Test on Image Understanding of ISPRS Working Group III/3. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31/3, ISPRS, Vienna, Austria.
Skaloud, J.; Cramer, M. & Schwarz, K. [1996]
Exterior orientation without ground control. Proc. ISPRS Congress Comm. III, Wien, pp. 125-130.
Walter, V. & Fritsch, D. [1996]
Integration von Strassenverkehrsdaten aus unterschiedlichen Datenmodellen. Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, Reihe I (115), pp. 179-192.
Walter, Volker [1996]
Zuordnung von raumbezogenen Daten - am Beispiel von ATKIS und GDF. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Reihe C, Nr. 480, München 1996. 130p. (Druckversion mit allen Abbildungen).