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Publikationen 1991

Ackermann, F. &Krzystek, P. [1991]
Match-T Automatic Mensuration of Digital Elevation Models, presented Paper to the 3rd Technical Seminar of the Sociedad Espanola Cartografia Fotogrametria y Teledeteccion, 12 April 1991, Barcelona.

Fritsch, D. [1991]
Algorithmen zur Verarbeitung von Raster- und Hybriden Daten. Beitrag zum Seminar Photogrammetrie und Geo-Informationssysteme, ETH Zürich, April 1991.

Fritsch, D. [1991]
Towards Three-Dimensional Data Structures in Geographic Information Systems. Proceedings EDIS/SAGIS 91. 16-18 July 1991, Pretoria, South Africa. 11 p.

Tsingas, V. [1991]
Automatische Aerotriangulation", in Schriftenreihe Institut für Photogrammetrie, Uni Stuttgart, Heft 15, Seite 253-268.